Capital Style
- Empire (33)
- Erectum (34)
- Greek Corinthian (34)
- Ionic (35)
- Roman Corinthian (34)
- Scammozzi (34)
- Tuscan (34)
Shaft Style
- Twisted (14)
Shaft Style (Horizontal Stacked)
- Straight Fluted (28)
- Straight Smooth (14)
- Vertical Split Straight Fluted (14)
- Vertical Split Straight Smooth (14)
- Vertical Split Tapered Smooth (14)
Shaft Style (One Piece)
- Straight Fluted (14)
- Straight Smooth (14)
- Tapered Fluted (14)
- Tapered Smooth (14)
Shaft Style (Vertical Split)
- Straight Fluted (14)
- Straight Smooth (14)
- Tapered Fluted (14)
- Tapered Smooth (14)
Base Style
Columns Design Gallery (14)
Capital Style: Roman Corinthian
Shaft Style: Vertical Split Tapered Smooth
Base Style: Doric
Capital Style: Temple of the Winds (Greek Corinthian)
Shaft Style: Vertical Split Tapered Smooth
Base Style: Doric
Capital Style: Roman Corinthian
Shaft Style: Vertical Split Tapered Smooth
Base Style: Tuscan
Capital Style: Temple of the Winds (Greek Corinthian)
Shaft Style: Vertical Split Tapered Smooth
Base Style: Tuscan