Stromberg Architectural has a proud history of producing the highest quality products for use in the construction and renovation of both commercial and residential structures. Sometimes the lines between the two get blurred, as was the case when we were chosen to participate in the construction of "Shalimar" an estate built to the personal specifications of the resident, who sought to construct the home of his dreams.
While nature has given us hurricanes with which to prove the durability of our products, Shalimar gave us the opportunity to test our production capacity and creativity. There isn't one square foot of this vast home that is not custom designed, and there is not one aspect of Stromberg's workmanship that did not pass the test.
For this home, Stromberg produced a multitude of customized accents and elements, beginning with numerous intricately sculpted ceiling panels found throughout the interior. The artistic aspect of this project was particularly rewarding as the entire residence took on the architectural theme of old India. More than 70 cast stone jali screens were fabricated to match the Hindustani workmanship of centuries past. The home features more than 120 linear feet of crown molding in the front entry and rotunda areas. There were 20 custom cast stone wall ornaments and enough custom landscaping wall caps to fill a warehouse (which they actually did). Brackets, window surrounds, medallions; the list goes on and on. The home was finally topped with six custom chimney caps of exquisite design.
Materials Used:
Shalimar also ran the gamut in materials used. Many of the more detailed interior elements were made from Stromberg's Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG). GFRG can be used wherever a light, strong, fire retardant material is desired. GFRG must be used in interior areas that are not subjected to moisture, but is an excellent material for creating architectural elements that feature the most finely-detailed sculpture.
Exterior elements were cast primarily in Glass Fiber Reinforced Stone (GFRS). GFRS is a product of the imagination and design skills of Lyndon Stromberg himself. GFRS is a material which combines the light weight properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer with the look and texture of quarried stone. Its strength and durability have been proven through the years in both laboratory testing and field application. With the invention of GFRS, Stromberg Architectural combines the latest technology in composite material with traditional elegance for best of both worlds.
For the endless stretch of landscaping wall caps, Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) was used. GFRC provides the look and feel of true concrete at a significant reduction in weight. With a tensile strength higher than steel, GFRC is an excellent choice of material for areas where there will be a high amount of use or wear. GFRC can be expected to weather the elements as well as true concrete, and in some cases such as constant exposure to saltwater, GFRC will perform even better. Shalimar was a great proving ground for Stromberg Architectural's residential production capacity. Your project will be no less important.